Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Lessons Learned

Over the course of the school year in which we have been required to blog about a subject of our choice but as the year is coming to an end so I wanted to take a moment to reflect on what I've learned about blogging.  I think the first thing I learned this year is that its not as hard or as easy as some people might think it is, for instance all you need to do is pick a good topic to talk about, preferably something you have a passion for, but theres always times where you run out of things to blog about, I know I had this problem when I couldn't find a pair of dunks that interested me when we were required to submit blog posts.  I also learned that it's important to create a variety of things to talk about so that your blog posts aren't repetitive.  The most important thing I learned while blogging was that anyone can view the blogs.  This could be potentially good or bad depending on the things you talk about so it's important to make sure you don't say anything you don't want a particular person to read.
While blogging I discovered that I have an expensive taste in footwear.  Most of the sneakers I posted or blogged about were at least 70 dollars.  Some of them ran up to a cost of $1800 due to the rarity of the shoe.
As of right now I don't think I will continue to blog after the school year is over.  It was a fun assignment but I noticed I never had the urge to blog about my topic.  Plus in college I'm not really sure I'll have the time to blog.